General conditions are dynamic. With us, you will safely reach your approval goal.
No matter whether you want to build another paper mill at a new location, convert an existing plant, or receive new regulatory requirements for it: When it comes to questions of approval law and technology-relevant official requirements, we will be happy to assist you with our cumulative knowledge and experience.
Dialog with the authorities is one of our core competencies. In a scoping meeting, we agree with the responsible authorities which documents and expert opinions they require for the approval process. We then advise you on the selection of the experts and convert their findings and the technical engineering into an application that is ready for approval.
We critically scrutinize all official requirements in advance and enter into dialog with the responsible parties as soon as there are technically justified doubts about the benefits or feasibility of new requirements. That way, we protect you from unreasonable requirements.
Good to know: As an engineering partner and interface to the authorities, we offer you clear advantages. Because with us, technology and approval planning come from a single source – and we plan your processes in such a way that all requirements are reliably met. Necessary iteration loops for synchronizing the technical solutions with the ideas of the authorities are run through quickly and unerringly in this way. This saves you unnecessary delays and costs.
Your competence partner for the dialogue with authorities
We translate technical language into legal language so that applications can be easily approved. At the same time, we understand the language of the authorities and their requirements so well that we can translate them into technical solutions.
From the scoping meeting to the review of regulatory requirements: We take over the dialogue with the authorities, support you in approval procedures and lead them to the desired success.
Subsequently, we check the correctness of the approval notices for you and implement them together with you.
You can be on track with less effort and more certainty if you also have us on board as an engineering partner: Technical planning and the implementation of legal requirements go then hand in hand.